Never trust a man who has a clean hard hat

Never trust a man who wears a clean hard hat

Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Welcome to Kansas, Pat and Sarah !

Headline: Sarah Palin to appear at pancake breakfast with Pat Roberts in Independence, Kansas
Note of welcome to the state from the TTFFIATT(IAT):

So happy that you and Mrs. Palin are visiting Independence! I have made a Google map that highlights some things you two can look at. I've marked a car dealership that employs local people selling cars built in America. Remember how you wanted to all those people to lose their jobs? Then swing by the hospital where people who can now afford health insurance go when they are sick or injured. I have also marked the location of one of the cemeteries will people will end up if you "repeal and replace" Obamacare. I realize that deaths from treatable disease will never affect you or Mrs. Palin, so maybe you should go take a look at the graveyard. I've shown on the map a block in a "working class" neighborhood, just in case you never see these in Virginia. The people here are much less likely to be unemployed, now that that the GOP is no longer in the White House. Also, many of these people have 401k retirement plans that are in good shape now (remember how you railed against the "failed stimulus"). The citizens of Independence, Mrs. Palin, and you have all benefited from the huge increase in the Dow-Jones, so drop on by the stock brokers and check your portfolios. Sen. Roberts, enjoy your visit to Kansas.

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