Never trust a man who has a clean hard hat

Never trust a man who wears a clean hard hat

Sunday, 20 May 2012

Can you believe it? Obama plays golf!?!

Some people have criticized President Obama for playing golf. That is just not right.
If you want to slam him for getting the Dow Jones Industrial Average from 8046 to 12,369; then go ahead.
If you want to castigate him for increasing the number of American private sector jobs in 26 consecutive months; OK.
If you want to denounce him for ending The War to Find Saddam’s WMD; all right.
If you want to disparage his tax cuts for working people (the Making Work Pay Tax Credit and the Payroll Tax Holiday); then knock yourself out.
But, if you condemn the President of the United States for playing golf, then I’m drawing the line. That is NOT OK, here’s why. Golf makes Presidents and presidential candidates more effective and successful. In fact, they should be required to play golf. Look at this list: (Franklin Roosevelt and Bob Dole are excluded from this analysis) Presidents and presidential candidates who did not play golf include Jimmy Carter, Michael Dukakis, Al Gore, Walter Mondale, and Herbert Hoover. (Mitt Romney wants to join this list?? He can afford a bag of clubs and some lessons).
If you insist on bashing Presidential golfers, then you are smearing the President who led the defeat of the Axis Powers; the President who oversaw the greatest expansion of American wealth and power; the President who installed a putting green in the White House backyard; the President who played 800 rounds during his term of office.
If you just can not stand it that we have a President who plays golf, then you are criticizing General Dwight David Eisenhower and I may have to ask you to step outside onto the first tee.

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