Never trust a man who has a clean hard hat

Never trust a man who wears a clean hard hat

Sunday, 15 December 2013

I Would Rather Talk About Obamacare, Thank You

My latest letter designed to annoy the Foxwatchers who also read the Hays Daily News.

A co-worker told me that Obamacare is “messing up the country”, I replied that making health care available to more of our fellow citizens is actually “fixing up the country”. I was struck by how nice it is that we were discussing the minutia of the insurance industry, as opposed to subjects that concerned us in the near-recent past.
It has been some time since we analyzed the plummeting Dow-Jones index. We no longer have to discuss the body bags returning from Iraq. Despite the wishes of some of our Senators, we do not currently have to talk about body bags returning from Iran or Syria. This is undeniably a good thing for everyone.
Most people would rather have our most pressing issue be health insurance rates; as opposed to when we were concerned with collapsing buildings and the resulting thousands of casualties. We should be happy that we no longer have to talk about the economy shedding thousands of jobs each month.
Given the alternative topics from recent history, I am glad to discuss the changes taking place in our health care system; changes which will make health care better. Recent newspaper coverage leads me to believe the Hays Medical Center shares my outlook concerning the future of American health care, as they expand buildings and services. I am glad Senator Moran was in town to see this optimism first hand.

Published Dec 15, 2013