Never trust a man who has a clean hard hat

Never trust a man who wears a clean hard hat

Sunday, 14 October 2012

We're In The Big Time

A follow-up to my formal objection to the inclusion of Willard "Mitt" Romney on the ballot in the state of Kansas.
Some guy at the vet school in Manhattan got a lawyer to file an objection to the inclusion of Barak Obama on the presidential ballot in Kansas. A Board of Objections,comprised of the Secretary of State, the Lt. Governor, and the Attorney General can decide who is or is not on the ballot. The vet school dude, in charming legalese, repeated standard birther arguments; Obama Sr not a US citizen, Barak not born in US, etc., etc.), his objection noted some court cases while ignoring others. It occurred to me, here at the TTFFIAT(IAT), that every argument put forward to take Mr. Obama off the ballot also applied to Mr. Romney (Father not US citizen, no proof of birthplace,etc., etc.).
I sent a copy of my objections to each member of the Board and lo and behold! they did not ignore me! I received a letter of Mr. Kobach's office essentially telling me to go to hell (in a nice way) because I had filed too late. But for the first time the Think Tank For Freedom IN America To Think (In A Tank) has finally made a splash in electoral politics!!! OK, maybe just the tiniest ripple, the Assistant Secretary of State Eric Rucker spent three minutes dismissing my complaint - but still - that's something.
Now that our think tank is bigtime, I am now outraged at the Huffington Post's blogger, Jason Linkins, comments concerning Think Tanks:

  Think tanks exist as a vital part of the white-collar welfare industry for parchy white people who lack the courage to actually make material contributions to society like teaching children math or delivering pizza. This nation is amazing, because in actual countries with actual problems, think tankers would be thrown in ditches.

He was actually referring to the American Enterprise Institute, a major league think tank, but now I believe i have also earned the right to be indignant.