Never trust a man who has a clean hard hat

Never trust a man who wears a clean hard hat

Monday, 13 February 2012

It's all true! War on Religion!

Like many of you , I am concerned about recent actions taken by the government; specifically, the war on religion. The government’s health insurance rules concerning religion-affiliated employers providing contraception services to employees. What this boils down to is that Catholic women will be forced by the insurance companies and the government to take birth control pills despite their religious beliefs. That’s right, all women will have to take birth control measures, even if they don’t want to. The government is taking away our freedom to choose on this issue.
I also understand the war on religion, through Michelle Obama’s “exercise” campaign, will force Baptist children to dance and also require Jehovah Witnesses to celebrate birthdays. Roman Catholics will be forced to give up the Sabbath and begin worshipping on Saturdays.
Thankfully, we have Senators Roberts and Moran and Congressman Huelskamp to fight for us in Congress. So far they have saved important tax breaks for middle class workers like us when they extended the Making Work Pay tax credit AND the FICA tax holiday. They solved the Postal Service’s pension problems so no rural Post Offices will close. But their biggest success has been the reform legislation that guarantees the US financial system will never again have a meltdown like we saw in 2008. Thank you for your hard work in these areas.
(Published in the Hays Daily News, Feb 13, 2012)

As proof of the mega-massive influence possessed by the Think Tank For Freedom In America To Think (In A Tank) the previous letter was published in a small-town newspaper's Reader's Forum section. Watch out Heritage Foundation!

The intent was to see if the readers of the local paper would recognise that NOTHING in the letter is true. The government is not going force women to take contraceptives, Michelle Obama will not make Baptist kids dance, and Catholics all ready go to church on Saturday evenings.

The Kansas elected officials mentioned have NOT done anything to fix Postal Service pension problems and they have only obstructed attempts to prevent another financial meltdown. Way to go, boys! I am sure that whoever is actually paying your salaries is pleased with your decisive inaction on these issues.

In America, religious liberty doesn't include the right to impose ones religion on others. That's a Taliban kind of thing. The Amish in the USA don't try to take away your automobile because they are morally opposed to modern transportation.

Some of us are all about religious freedom (unless you try to open a mosque in New York City).

I have claimed outrageous things in Op-eds in the Hays paper but have never once gotten any kind of published reaction. No death threats, no insults about my intelligence, no questioning the circumstances of my birth. Nothing. I once said that Republicans had thrown away the real Bible and substituted their own. No reaction.

Maybe this time. Maybe some low-wattage reader will believe my sarcastic letter contains truth and will write in to agree with me. We can only hope.